
In other news, Eric has been putting on the booby tassels more frequently. It’s been stimulating the stupid part of my brain and detracting from the whole experience. (Booby tassels being the name of my Wi-Fi hotspot for the last decade obviously.) More scrolling is happening, less page turning as a result. More pixels rendered, fewer words recorded. And SHAME ON ME for that. And me alone, it would appear. Eric is far more adept at harnessing the power of the booby tassel for good over evil. While I’m mindlessly compiling photo captions, he’s utilizing his time to research hikes, chart weather patterns, and to troubleshoot the bounteous amount of problems we’ve encountered with the van. While I’m wandering through images of waterfalls, he’s pragmatically mapping out where we’ll next need to acquire our drinking water.

Althoooough, this isn’t always the case. Look at me! Writing! Meanwhile ol’ E has been obsessively tweaking his latest contribution to the Gram machine for a solid hour. We’re just playing a waiting game with the weather so we can go ogle our next hut. Weee! Meanwhile the car park has begun to fill to bursting and we cringe at all the children spilling forth from every vehicle, while working our way through our 2nd cups of coffee. (It doesn’t escape me either that we will be bound to greet all of these dill holes that choose our hike that we’ll meet on their return. GAH, those Sunday hikers are the most annoying. Calves too slender, decorative Spandex too crisp, too expensive, to be taken seriously. End rant.)

(Continue rant. Also I’m mad because I GOTTAGOgottago and I want the bathroom all to myself. Maybe end rant.)


^My new favorite lighthouse: Castlepoint. Getting creative with my angles, working to block out the A hole in the bright red jacket who set up his tripod in front of me.

^Uh huhhhhh. That’s what I’m talking bout.

^ If you look reeeeally closely, Paula is just visible in the lower left. Also notice the big gulf we had to trudge through to get here, making our shoes smell for the next 2 weeks.
^ Eric watching the sun come up. We didn’t come to the house together, having camped overnight here. This is where I found him after I’d gotten my shots and was headed back.

^ Stairs. Nice stairs.
^ Instax shot I sent to Momma and Poppa H in the mail. (That better be on the fridge, guys.)

^ Meh. The shot I managed of the lighthouse the day before in the persistent drizzle. Amazing what good lighting can do, when the sun started shiiiiining the next morning.