
Weekend wrap! Yee-haw!

We’ve since journeyed east to head west, arriving in Wellington last night. The crossing was spent trying to find the best reading nook aboard. Bonus points for good light, light wind, and silence from the several windbags aboard. We have now progressed in our adventures from an island the size of Iowa, to a land mass comparable to Ohio. Weeee!

This morning a group of giggling high schoolers knocked on our window and asked if they might interview me for an assigned project. YES, my big break! My ARRIVAL onto the NZ stage! They were most enamored with our toilet & photographed me strumming the ukulele in my pajamas. It was a glorious moment to hear them say, “It would be so cool to live in this.”

We checked another light off our list! Cape Campbell, you saucy tower, you, your black stripes flirting for hours with me before I could finally touch you. (Good touch. The requisite hug on behalf of Momma H.) It was a 90 minute jaunt along the coast there. An intermission, largely photographic in it’s mission upon arrival. Then a 3 hour journey back. We trespassed, traversed, and trudged our way across several peaks, pastures, and bike paths. The tide was too high they way we had come, and our optimism was not. Adventurin’, eh? It would have been more enjoyable had my knee been able to keep up with our pace. At one point I was forced to fold my body upon a piece of driftwood while my dear went in search of a walking stick to aid my hobble back. It’s in moments like these where I watch him from afar, selecting several smooth branches from the flotsam, testing each in turn for the strength and height suitability that my hearts melts. It’s these moments of such focused, tender caring and kindness that make make me think I might like to spend a good, long time loving this human being, so simple and straightforward in his love and affection.


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